Monday, October 12, 2015

Holistic Essay

Holistic Essay

This is the introduction,
The part that is only for you.
Uncomplicated, accesible:
What I have to say in reduction.

This is body paragraph 1
Involving points 12&3
Supported by significant details xy&z
That matter to you, but not me.

*I feel like I don't fit,
but I want to show you why
I feel this way.

     I want to show you how
     I am lucky
     to not be a part of this essay*

This is paragraph 2
That goes deeper into the issue,
Showing you the evidence
Proving my point of view.

this is body paragraph 3
in which i speak conversationally
since you listen to those who speak boldly
but not so bold that it doesn't make sense

This is now paragraph 3b,
Since the first one needed refinement;
Even though it flowed nicely,
It didn't adhere to the assignment.

**by now I bet you know
what the point of my essay really is,
since the essay is not in my voice
but, you know,
that voice that filters out all the
taboo umms & oops i meant & pauses & run-ons & repeating & rewinding & skipping ahead
(that really make the most sense to ME,
really give ME pleasure)
and makes the zigzagging brainwaves that reflect my thoughts
straight so you can drivestraightonthehighwayzoomzoomzoomat70mphzoomzoomwithoutgettingdistractedzooooom.

     I wish you didn't know
     what the point of my essay is
     because that would mean
     the essay is in my voice. **

As a consequence I hope you find
That the contents of this document are bottomless
And my conciseness of word count: 300
Speaks to you 3000 words unwritten,
or rather-- thought,
and not included here.

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