Whether it be fiction, non-fiction, or somewhere in between, I want to invest more characters from my memory bank into writing.
Ian: A young man who thinks of himself as wise, and maybe he is. He knows that he wants to be on this piece of land, with these people. He culls his workforce of those who don't fit. Off the land, though, he changes his mind frequently: remarrying to old ideas and women of his past. Standing with every muscle engaged, he dissects a pea shoot that clings to his palm and saves its seed. When his daughter asks him to brush her hair, he uses the same translucent touch as with the pea shoots.
Ben: Not only behind a camera, but under it. The weight of his system bends his shoulders over his rib cage and sloped towards the ground. He doesn't talk much, only watches. Maybe he's not even listening. His camera speaks for him, announces him, and when the red light blinks off, signals his departure.
Dylan: not old enough yet to have lost any part of himself. He has all of the boyish confidence of a man who has done things right so far. He smiles to put others at the same ease.
Keith: wanted to leave his town behind, and instead lost all opportunity to leave. Even the part of him that wishes to abandon his family and work has been closed off, and that reckless abandon has been tabled. He coaches kids who will get out of here one day, and that's escape enough to tranquilize the instinct to leave. In his place, he likes to break things in his house to change its domestic landscape: broken lamps and dismembered stairwell handrails.
Ideally, these characters will meet in some form of story.
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