Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Whole Year Is Just the Earth…

The Whole Year Is Just the Earth…

Heaving                                 Wind
Crying                                    Rain                           
Tantrum                                 Flood
    “Don’t leave me”                       
Sniffle                                    Evaporate
Dehydrate                              Drought
Drink                                     Flow
        “You’ll come back, right?”
Paralyze                                 Frozen
               “Goodbye, now”
Screaming                              Darkness
Sleep                                       Snow
Dream                                     Blizzard
Reach                                      Fog
Touch                                     Melting
               “Who are you?”
Sex                                          Dew
Sweat                                      Seed
Trickling                                 Sprout
             “You’re not the same”
Orgasm                                   Flower           
Repose                                    Blinding
             “But good enough”           
Reflection                               Awaken
Laughter                                 Ripples
                “That was fun”                                        
Breathe                                   Breeze
Sigh                                        Cloud
     “I can’t wait to see you again!”
Tears                                       Drizzle
Rest                                         Flush
Dying                                      Colors
               “Let’s start over”

Ascend                                   Disintegrate


  1. The space after "Let's start over" shouldn't be there.... Formatting from word to blogspot isn't perfect!

  2. Very interesting shape to your poem--a ladder!
