Journal entry #1:
The best part of my day was finishing harvesting hundreds of carrots and looking at all of the dirt caked on my hands. It was beautifully rewarding. The most interesting aspect of this is when I finally showered. I really didn't want to because I was so happy with the dirt. I recently bought a new loofah to clean my skin with in the shower. The water turned milky coffee brown as it rinsed off of my skin. Eventually the dirt was gone and I kept holding the loofah up to the light to see how dirty it was. It still looked like there was dirt on it, even after I washed out the loofah several times. Later, I realised it was just my skin underneath. I thought, how beautiful, to have skin the colour of Earth.
On side of hand: "How lucky am I."
Journal entry #2:
Good things that happened today:
1. I woke up
2. Had breakfast
3. Harvested beets
4. Found out you can eat the leaves on beets. They smell SO good and taste SO good.
5. Was able to nap on the field in the grass
6. Left lunch full.
7. Pulled out a lot of poles from the ground. The raspberries were there for me. (:
8. Made Amelia laugh until she cried.
9. Went to Taco Thursday.
10. Forgot/did not know the time/did not have a phone
11. Listened to music that made me feel old feels.
12. Topped beets for hours. My skin is magenta now.
13. Laid down.
14. ------------
15. I doodled on someone.
16. I trusted myself.
17. I saw the moon. It was amazing.
Journal entry #3:
Identifying some birds the Thaxton's presented on:
1. The Three Toed Woodpecker
2. Grey Jay (maybe? Slide moved too fast)
3. Yellow bellied Flycatcher
Nice, Kianee! I am wondering about your motivation behind using dots . in between. your. words. Is it. meant. to mimic. the rhythmic flow. of the way. words. come. to. you? The. pause. that. you. must. endure. as. your. hand. catches. up. to. your. mind? I. am. referring. to. the. first. journal. entry.