Thursday, October 8, 2015

Creative Writing

So it feels like lately many pieces of creative writing have been submitted for the blog posts. This makes sense, it being a course in which we are encouraged to write creatively and daily (two things I haven't previously bothered to combine), but I thought to try it. So I began writing a very short piece, meant to be funny, reliant upon odd comparisons and playing with expectations about sweaters, tea, fall, and the grand outlook for my life. I am convinced it could be brilliant.

Sadly it wasn't funny. Or clever. Not that I expected genius to flow uninterrupted from my brain onto paper, but I was expecting for it to at least have direction or at least a point, maybe a conclusion. Somewhat deterred, I nonetheless decided to try again the next day in my journal and nothing got better; the piece just got longer and I used a semicolon. As if using different punctuation would elevate the writing and supply the lacking organization. Having written this idea out poorly twice, I am now resigned to write it so that it is funny at least once and has an identifiable objective. At this point it doesn't seem likely.

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