Monday, October 12, 2015

Poetry is making me tired of poetry


do rummage through
what you see in this lagoon,
for it might interest you.

You might grab hold
of some long set of teeth,
their round jutted
from the mud of gum.

O thrash along in the
lake now.  Tighten the drag
on the long line pinned
to your oval wrist

And frighten the on-
lookers who dash behind trees
and steal behind nestled brush.
You will wear the large teeth.

Worms will

Unite you with
that which you seek.
They glean your intention
and assist in your search

For the marshmallows that
your childhood enjoyed,
that you desperately want
and have no way of chewing.

Instead of sweet talk
to Princess, they will eat you
until you forget that you
searched for them first.

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